Monday, October 9, 2017

Turkle: Connected, but alone?

     Turkle raises some important issues regarding our use of mobile technology.  She comments that we now text, email, use social media in situations that would previously have been viewed as socially unacceptable.  For instance: meetings, classes, even funerals.  It is remarkable how quickly we have grown accustomed to these social changes.

     We use mobile technology to prevent feeling alone and unheard.  Turkle argues that we need time for solitude; it is by no means a negative thing that we should fear (yet, we do).  Instead of relying on technology to stave off feelings of isolation, we should use that time for self-reflection and personal development.


  1. While it is natural for humans to seek each other out, it can be necessary to be alone. Self-reflection from isolation can lead to personal development, as one can hold themselves accountable for their actions instead of foisting blame onto others.

  2. Agreed. Its like in the past someone at a celebration of life or funeral having a side conversation about something unrelated with the person sitting beside them. That would be horribly rude to the persons life they are celebrating. That might have been unacceptable in the past however someone with there phone on them now in a similar situation, still unacceptable but people may not blink an eye as someone having a side conversation in a class, funeral or meeting that would also be disruptive.

  3. I agree, that we should not fear solitude but use that time to grow as an individual. I never thought about how quickly we adapted to these social changes, but it’s true. Perhaps by developing a sense of self-awareness, over time we can begin to embrace isolation and use it to our advantage and not shy away from it. Great point Colin!

  4. It's unfortunate that a lot of people think that those who "just want some alone time" are antisocial or reclusive etc. People can't just take some time for themselves anymore without someone reading into it these days. There has to be "some reason" why before it's considered "appropriate" to just go and have some solitude.

    I myself cannot function unless I have some time to myself and I suspect it is that way for most if not all people. Technology, specifically things like social media and such, have made us impatient to the point where we can't even give people time to go and recharge in these very necessary and important moments of solitude.

  5. Using technology as an escape from the present is such a common behavior in our current society. I feel like this is where we now see the importance in the somewhat rising trend of practices such as mindful meditation and yoga. It is so important for us to be present, and with the technology we have available today, we can so easily escape nearly any situation we are faced with. Being mindful and present in daily life has now become something that we need train ourselves for, however, and I definitely struggle with mindful meditation and being fully "present" as you are supposed to be when I do yoga.
